14-Day Jordan & Egypt on a Shoestring Tour

Product Code: 472000



    This great tour is jam packed with all the main sights in Jordan and Egypt. Petra, The Dead Sea, The Pyramids and more, and all for an amazingly low price
Tour Code
13 day
Departure City
End City
Tour Type
Available options


Tour Themes: Outdoor Adventure, Boat & Sailing Tours

Explore the world with an active and adrenaline pumping adventures like diving, snorkeling, camping, hiking and so on. ; These tours typically involve exploring various destinations or coastal regions by means of a cruise ship, boat, or sailing vessel.

Tour Type: Guided Tour

Multiple local tour guides/drivers available throughout your tour/activity

Group Size: Standard Group Tour

Tour with fellow travelers from all over the world

Activity Level: Easy

Perfect for any fitness level

Quality: Budget Friendly

Experience the most affordable tour service and accommodation with fast-paced itineraries. Enjoy budget hotels, certified guides, and included transportation. Please note that a mandatory service fee and additional costs for optional activities may apply.


Adventure tour of Jordan and Egypt

This great tour is jam packed with all the main sights in Jordan and Egypt. Petra, The Dead Sea, The Pyramids and more. Starting in Amman, Jordan, we tour the city centre before taking a tour out to the well preserved Roman remains at Jerash. Heading south we then follow the scenic Kings Highway stopping at Madaba, Mount Nebo, and the crumbling remains the crusader castle at Kerak, before arriving at Jordan's most popular attraction, the hidden city of Petra. We set aside a full day to explore the sprawling "Rose Red City" of Petra. Enter through the Siq and gaze upon the rock hewn Treasury built more than 2,000 years ago. Next we head into the desert at Wadi Rum, famous for its links with Lawrence of Arabia. We spend a night in a Bedouin camp here and take a 4x4 jeep ride through the stunning desert scenery before returning via a swim in the Dead Sea to Amman for our flight to Cairo (not included - you can book this as part of your main international flight ticket or we can book the flight for you separately). Arriving into Cairo we start with a visit to the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx before travelling down to Aswan, with an optional extra early morning tour to the impressive temples of Ramses II at Abu Simbel. Back in Aswan we hop on board our traditional Nile felucca sailboat and wend our way down the River Nile, with support en-route from our facilities boat with on board toilet, showers and massage deck. Arriving into Luxor we take time to visit some of the many temples in this amazing open air museum, and of course we take time to explore the tombs of the Valley of the Kings. We finally head back to Cairo, stopping at the less visited temples of Abydos and Dendara on the way. If you'd like to add some time by the Red Sea to this trip, it's easy to add on a few extra days at the beach resort of Hurghada.

DAY 1: Welcome to Amman. Airport to hotel transfers included Once you arrive at the airport, one of our staff members will be there to meet you and take you to your hotel in Amman. After helping you check in and pointing you to any local shops, cafes or restaurants, you're free to explore Amman independently before our sightseeing starts tomorrow. OVERNIGHT: Amman hotel MEALS: None EXTRAS: Extra day in Amman - pre-tour - Standard level Single room supplement (JOSHJE) As-Salt and Bethany tour DAY 2: Exploring Amman and Jerash We start the day by heading north out of Amman to nearby Jerash, one of the largest and most well-preserved sites of Roman architecture in the world outside Italy. Fondly referred to as the 'Jewel of the North', Jerash boasts an unbroken chain of human occupation dating back more than 6,500 years. Jerash was hidden for centuries in sand, evacuations and restorations over the past 70 years have revealed a fine example of the grand, formal provincial Roman urbanism that is found throughout the Middle East. After returning from Jerash we spend the afternoon exploring Amman, commonly known as the 'white city' due to its sheer number of white limestone buildings. Amman's rich history dates back many millennia, with numerous excavations and renovations uncovering remains from the Neolithic period as well as the Hellenistic and late Roman to Arab Islamic Ages. Our tour will include the Citadel - the former home of the ancient Temple of Hercules, The Umayyad Palace and the Byzantine Church. We'll also visit the 6000-seat Roman Theatre - which dates to the Roman period, when the city was known as Philadelphia. OVERNIGHT: Amman hotel MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: DAY 3: Mosaics, Castles & Wadis en-route to Petra We say goodbye to Amman today as we drive to Petra via the King's Highway. The drive to Petra is a scenic one, as we cross deep Wadis, pass through olive groves and remote rural villages. Before we reach Petra, we'll stop at Madaba, where we'll visit the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George - famous for its 6th Century Byzantine mosaic map of the Holy Land and other biblical sites. We'll also make our way up Mt Nebo, which provides spectacular views of the Holy Land, which is known as the burial place of the prophet Moses. After exploring Madaba, we'll once again cross a few deep Wadis, including the impressive Wadi al-Mujib, where the road winds through olive groves before rising up the side of a spectacular 1-kilometre deep canyon. We'll also stop at Kerak Castle, which is one in a chain of Crusader fortresses built across Jordan in the 12th Century on the ancient Egypt-Syrian caravan route. Built in 1132AD by the Crusader King, Baldwin 1 of Jerusalem, the castle fell to Saladin in 1188AD. It is still a hugely impressive building with commanding views over the surrounding hills & plains. Once we arrive in Petra, we'll help you check into your hotel and the evening is free for you to relax and explore. An option is available to get a first taste of Petra itself with the atmospheric Petra by Candlelight tour through the Siq to the Treasury. OVERNIGHT: Petra hotel MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: DAY 4: Exploring Petra, camping in Wadi Rum Today is all about exploring the Nabatean site of Petra. It was once the ancient capital of the Nabataean commercial empire until the Romans finally took over in 106AD. For a long period of time, Petra was forgotten - except by the local Bedouins - before it was rediscovered in 1812 by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Petra can be found at the edge of the Wadi Aruba desert, where canyon walls and towering hills make it virtually impossible to reach, except via a narrow cleft in the rock, known as the Siq. There are very few free-standing buildings in Petra, as the Nabateans chose to carve their dwellings into the multi coloured sandstone cliffs. Petra has become one of Jordan's main tourist attractions and the Jordanian Government is well aware of this. The tourism infrastructure in the adjoining village of Wadi Musa is booming, though, thankfully, once you enter through the Siq, the site is protected, there aren't that many touts or souvenir sellers, and all the building feels miles away. We have most of the day available today to explore this ancient city (2-3 hour guided tour, then free time to explore independently). We start by making our way through the Siq, which rises to 200 metres above us and narrows to just 2 metres wide in certain sections. Keep an eye out for the ancient Nabatean water channel which is still visible on one wall and there are remnants of the terracotta pipes that brought water into the city as well. We'll turn a corner and suddenly - one of the most familiar sights of Petra will be in front of you - The Khazneh (Treasury) comes into view. Our guide will explain how this, and the other buildings here, are mainly elaborate facades carved into the rock from the top down, and also discuss the spiritual significance of the building style. From the Treasury, the valley opens out, and you'll see tombs carved into the rock on both sides. You'll get a glimpse of the ruined Roman amphitheatre and colonnaded streets and during your free time, you can walk up a steep and narrow winding gorge to the towering 'Monastery' - which is 50 metres high and 45 metres wide, giving you breath-taking views of the Wadi Aruba desert and the Jordan Valley. Another climb takes you to the High Place of Sacrifice, and Lion Fountain. All in all, this is a full and tiring exercise, but hugely rewarding day touring one of the world's most famous ancient sites. Walking distances today are an absolute minimum of 3km through the Siq to the Treasury and back and to see a few tombs, 8km to take the trail on as far as the main basin, plus an additional few km to the Monastery and back (over 800 steps up and down). For those with less mobility or who are worried about the distance, horse carriages are available for around 20JD (USD 28) to take you on the 1.2km journey through the Siq to the Treasury and back again at an agreed time. They will also take you further in through the site for an extra fee. We do not recommend riding the horses that are available. Donkeys are available for the steps up to the Monastery - if you want to use them, we'd reommend doing this on the way up, not on the way down. Later in the afternoon, we leave Petra and drive into the spectacular desert scenery of Wadi Rum where friendly Bedouin hosts are ready to greet us at a comfortable camp beneath the towering rocks and cliffs. We spend the evening and night relaxing at the camp, watching the stars and enjoying a delicious traditional Jordanian meal. OVERNIGHT: Wadi Rum Bedouin camp MEALS: Breakfast, Dinner EXTRAS: None DAY 5: A Jeep safari in Wadi Rum & a swim in the Dead Sea After breakfast, we explore the spectacular desert and mountains of Wadi Rum via a Jeep safari. The desert here, with its towering rust coloured rocky 'jebels' awed TE Lawrence during his visits during the Arab Revolt of 1917-18 and was later made famous in the film Lawrence of Arabia. We'll leave Wadi Rum and drive north up the banks of the Dead Sea, one of the world's most amazing places. As well as being the lowest point on earth at over 400 metres below sea level, the Dead Sea region is one of the most spiritual landscapes in the world as well as being full of dramatic natural beauty. The Dead Sea itself receives several incoming rivers, including the River Jordan. Once the waters reach the Dead Sea they are land-locked and have nowhere to go, so they evaporate, leaving behind a rich cocktail of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture and medicine with some of its finest products. The Dead Sea is flanked by mountains to the east and the rolling hills of Jerusalem to the west, giving it an almost otherworldly beauty. Although sparsely populated and serenely quiet now, the area is believed to have been home to five Biblical cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Adman, Zebouin and Zoar (Bela). We stop along the way to enjoy a 'swim', though the intensely salty waters lead to a very strange swimming experience. In fact, normal swimming is not possible, and it is easier (and more photogenic!) just to float, sitting or lying in the water. Be careful not to get any water in your eyes, as it will sting - you'll also discover various tiny cuts you never thought you had! If you'd like some additional time at the Dead Sea for spa treatments and/or relaxation, we also offer the option of spending your final night in Jordan here instead of returning to Amman. We finish the day back at our hotel in Amman. OVERNIGHT: Amman hotel MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: DAY 6: Amman to Cairo. Hotel transfer included We leave Jordan today and transfer you to Amman airport for your flight to Cairo. Once you arrive, we'll meet you at the airport, assist you with obtaining your visa and luggage, and then transfer you to your hotel for the start of your trip. We'll help you check in before giving you some free time to relax or explore Cairo independently. An optional dinner cruise on the Nile is also available tonight. Note: the Amman-Cairo flight is left out of the set tour price as it is often more cost effective for you to include this flight as part of your main international flight ticket. We are happy to book all your international flights, just this Amman-Cairo flight, or none of them at all, whichever works best for you. Direct flights are available with both Egypt Air and Royal Jordanian Airlines. You can fly at any time during the day - all transfers in Amman and Cairo are included. OVERNIGHT: Cairo 3-star hotel MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: Request a quote for Amman to Cairo flight DAY 7: Cairo, Pyramids & Sphinx at Giza. Overnight train to Aswan We start our exploration of Egypt with the iconic three great pyramids at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Probably the most recognizable ancient buildings in the world, these three pyramids were built pyramids were built by the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure around 2500 years BC. Our Egyptologist guide will start your introduction into Egyptian history here with information on how and why pyramids were built and how they fit into the whole ancient Pharaonic story. You’ll have the chance to climb down inside one of these pyramids if you wish (and if you’re not claustrophobic!). Our next visit is the majestic Sphinx, which nestles nearby, and was uncovered completely only in the 1920s. In the afternoon you'll have some free time to visit the Egyptian Museum of antiquities, home to the treasures of ancient Egypt. This evening we will board the overnight VIP seater train from Cairo to Aswan. For those preferring more comfort, there is the option of upgrading to the sleeper train where you will have a private cabin onboard with airline style meals included. OVERNIGHT: Overnight seater train MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: None DAY 8: Arrive in Aswan. Philae Temple & Nubian village After our night onboard the overnight train, we arrive in Aswan where we spend the night in a Nubian village staying in a local guesthouse. The ancient region of Nubia comprised an area around the Nile in parts of present day southern Egypt and northern Sudan. Many descendants of the Nubian people still live around Aswan and during our stay we’ll see their colourful houses. This morning we’ll take a boat trip to visit one of Egypt’s most beautifully situated temples which was also reclaimed from the rising waters of Lake Nasser. This is the Temple of Philae, which was dedicated to Isis. After visiting Philae Temple, we'll head south of Aswan to visit one of the Nubian Villages where we'll have the opportunity to experience the local way of life and visit the local homes of the Nubian people and even spend the night in a local guesthouse. OVERNIGHT: Aswan - Nubian guesthouse MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: None DAY 9: Aswan, Abu Simbel option, Philae Temple & felucca cruise There is an optional tour early this morning to drive to the amazing UNESCO world heritage site at Abu Simbel which sits on the banks of Lake Nasser about 3 hours away from Aswan. The temples here were built by Ramses II and are one of Egypt’s most impressive and fascinating sites, especially because they are carved into the hillside rather than built independently, and were completely dismantled and moved to their present location when Lake Nasser was flooded. If you don’t visit Abu Simbel you can explore Aswan’s markets and Corniche this morning or visit the Nubian Museum which has an excellent collection covering the history of the Nubian people in the region. This afternoon we’ll take a boat trip to visit one of Egypt’s most beautifully situated temples which was also reclaimed from the rising waters of Lake Nasser. This is the Temple of Philae, which was dedicated to Isis. Later we board a traditional Nile felucca and sail a little way out of Aswan before mooring up for the night. Our separate facilities boat will join with us from time to time during the day and moor up with us at night. This boat helps us protect the environment of the banks of the Nile, having a proper toilet and showers on board as well as a hygienic kitchen. You sleep on the deck of the boat, with mattresses, blankets and mosquito nets provided. This is a fun but basic experience, and you can upgrade the night sleeping on the felucca to an additional night in a hotel in Aswan if you prefer. OVERNIGHT: On board felucca MEALS: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner EXTRAS: Abu Simbel overland Felucca to Hotel upgrade DAY 10: Felucca sailing, to Luxor. Optional Luxor temple at night We spend some more time sailing on the Nile this morning, and after lunch with the felucca crew, we bid them a reluctant goodbye and drive north to Luxor. Luxor is the jewel in Egypt’s crown with the largest concentrations of ancient ruins in the Nile Valley, if not the world. These are split across both banks of the Nile, with the City of the Dead on the West Bank with many mortuary temples and tombs cut into the rocky mountains, and with the Temples of Luxor and Karnak and their connecting Avenue of Sphinxes the highlights on the East Bank. Later this evening there is an optional tour available to Luxor Temple which is right in the middle of town and beautifully lit up at night. You'll can also head into town to explore some of Luxor's popular outdoor cafes, perhaps enjoying a few games of backgammon and trying a shisha pipe with the locals. We spend the night at a comfortable 4-star hotel with a pool on the banks of the Nile. OVERNIGHT: Luxor 4-star hotel MEALS: Breakfast, Lunch EXTRAS: Hot air balloon in Luxor Nile cruise upgrade DAY 11: Luxor, West Bank tour. Optional Karnak temple tour. Train to Cairo This morning we take a tour to the West Bank of the Nile, where we’ll visit the Temple of Queen Hatchepsut, explore several tombs in the Valley of the Kings, learn about the workers who made all this happen in Deir El-Medina (the Valley of the Artisans) and stop to see the huge Colossi of Memnon. Your afternoon is then free to relax in the hotel, or take an optional tour to explore the huge temple complex at Karnak. A spectacular hot air balloon flight over the west bank of the Nile is also available today (expect another early start to catch sunrise as the balloon rises). This evening we re-join the overnight VIP seater train back to Cairo (there is another opportunity to upgrade to the sleeper train for those looking for more comfort). OVERNIGHT: Overnight seater train MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: Hot air balloon in Luxor Karnak Temple tour DAY 12: Arrive in Cairo. Optional day trips available We arrive back into Cairo this morning and transfer to our hotel. The day is then free to explore Cairo as you choose or you may take an optional tour. These include a city tour in Cairo which visits Coptic Cairo, the Citadel and Mohamed Ali Mosque, or a half day tour to Saqqara, Dashour and Memphis to learn more about the history and evolution of pyramid building. Another full day option further afield includes a trip into the desert outside Cairo to see the World Heritage Site of the Valley of the Whales at Wadi Rayan. If you haven't chosen to join one of our full day optional tours, in the afternoon there is the option to take a guided walk through the back streets and bazaars in central Cairo. We'll walk through the huge Bab al-Futuh gateway and explore streets dedicated to metalwork, spices, pottery, fabric, jewelery and anything else you can imagine as we gradually enter the more touristy Khan-el-Khalili bazaar. We'll have time for a break to try some tea and a shisha pipe and perhaps enjoy an early dinner of Egypt's unofficial national dish, Kushari before returning to our hotel. OVERNIGHT: Cairo 3-star hotel MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: None DAY 13: Cairo, Optional City & Museum tour. Departure airport transfer Your time is free today for some last minute sightseeing or shopping until we transfer you to the airport for your departure flight. We recommend an afternoon or evening flight so that you can take a tour to visit the incredible Egyptian Museum and see more of the city this morning. Extra nights in Cairo are also available if you would like to extend your stay. OVERNIGHT: N/A MEALS: Breakfast EXTRAS: Cairo city tour Saqqara, Dashour & Memphis Extra day in Cairo post-tour (3-star)

| EXTRAS Single Room Supplement, Extra night - pre-tour, Amman city tour

Visiting Attractions

  • Philae Temple Philae Temple
  • Wadi Rum Wadi Rum
  • Petra Petra
  • Kerak Castle Kerak Castle
  • Great Pyramid of Giza Great Pyramid of Giza
  • Pyramid of Khafre Pyramid of Khafre
  • Pyramid of Menkaure Pyramid of Menkaure
  • Saqqara Saqqara
  • Valley of the Kings Valley of the Kings
  • Temple of Hatshepsut Temple of Hatshepsut
  • Temple of Edfu Temple of Edfu
  • Temple of Kom Ombo Temple of Kom Ombo
  • Luxor Temple Luxor Temple
  • Karnak Temple Karnak Temple
  • Karnak Temple Karnak Temple
  • Egyptian Museum Egyptian Museum
  • Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza
  • Al-Khazneh Al-Khazneh
  • The Dead Sea The Dead Sea
  • Colossi of Memnon Colossi of Memnon
  • Memphis, Egypt Memphis, Egypt
  • Madaba Map Madaba Map
  • Cairo Citadel Cairo Citadel


Package Includes

  • 7 nights accommodation in 3 to 4-star hotels
  • 1 night in comfortable Bedouin camp in Wadi Rum
  • 1 night in a Nubian guesthouse in Aswan
  • 1 night on felucca sailboat with accompanying support boat with toilet and shower
  • 2 night on overnight seater train
  • All transport and transfers in AC vehicles (plus Bedouin jeeps in Wadi Rum)
  • 24-hour airport arrival & departure transfer service
  • 4x4 jeep safari in Wadi Rum
  • Services of a specialist tour guides for sightseeing tours
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary

Package Excludes

  • International flights (available on request)
  • Amman-Cairo flight (available on request or bookable with your international flight ticket)
  • Visa fees (Free Jordan visa included in the Jordan Pass; Egypt US$25)
  • Entrance fees in Jordan (included in the Jordan Pass, to be purchased in advance, JD70)
  • Entrance fees in Egypt (allow approx. US$42)
  • Tipping kitty in Egypt (allow US$60)
  • Guide Tips in Jordan and Egypt
  • Tips in Jordan
  • Travel insurance (compulsory, available from Encounters Travel)
  • Meals not indicated in the itinerary
  • Hotel gala dinners on 24 and/or 31 Dec (budget up to $120 p/p, see Tour notes)
  • Drinks, snacks and other personal expenses (e.g. laundry)
  • Any other items not mentioned above

Special Notes

    • Cancellation or change of date by you before departure
      - More than 62 Days prior to Depature Date: 12% penalty
      - 44-61 Days prior to Departure Date: 35% penalty
      - 30-43 Days prior to Departure Date: 70% penalty
      - 17-29 Days prior to Departure Date: 90% penalty
      - 0-16 Days prior to Departure Date: 100% penalty
      Changes and cancellations by us
      In addition to a full refund of all monies paid by you, we will pay you compensation as detailed below, in the following circumstances:
      - If, where we make a significant change, you do not accept the changed arrangements and cancel your booking;
      - If we cancel your booking and no alternative arrangements are available and/or we do not offer one.
      The compensation that we offer does not exclude you from claiming more if you are entitled to do so.
      - Over 72 Days prior to Departure Date: No compensation
      - 71-45 Days prior to Departure Date: GBP10 / USD15 / CAD20 / AUD20 / NZD20 / EUR15 / ZAR170 / INR1000 will be compensated
      - 44-30 Days prior to Departure Date: GBP20 / USD30 / CAD40 / AUD40 / NZD40 / EUR30 / ZAR340 / INR2000 will be compensated
      - 29-16 Days prior to Departure Date: GBP40 / USD50 / CAD80 / AUD80 / NZD80 / EUR60 / ZAR680 / INR4000 will be compensated
      - 0-16 Days prior to Departure Date: GBP50 / USD75 / CAD100 / AUD100 / NZD100 / EUR75 / ZAR850 / INR5000 will be compensated
      IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not pay you compensation in the following circumstances:
      - where we make a minor change;
      - where we make a significant change or cancel your arrangements more than 60 days before departure;
      - where we make a significant change and you accept those changed arrangements or you accept an offer of alternative travel arrangements;
      - where we have to cancel your arrangements as a result of your failure to make full payment on time;
      - where the change or cancellation by us arises out of alterations to the confirmed booking requested by you;
      - where we are forced to cancel or change your arrangements due to Force Majeure.
    • Accommodation
      Accommodation is based on twin or double en-suite rooms with air conditioning. All couples will be given a private double room. Single travellers may choose to pay a single room supplement to guarantee themselves a single room throughout the tour. Alternatively, they may choose to share a room with one or two other travellers of the same sex. If you are happy to share, then you will only need to pay the single room supplement if we are unable to pair you up.

      Please check the Accommodation tab on the tour page for details of the normal hotels used on this tour. On our group and shoestring tours, these may change from time to time for other properties of a similar standard. If you would like to guarantee a particular hotel, please request a tailor-made tour.

      In Egypt we use good quality hotels rated at the local 3 and 4-star level on this tour while accommodation in Jordan is in 3-star hotels, with optional upgrades available to 4 or 5-star.

      Gala Dinners
      Many of Egypt and Jordan’s hotels and Nile cruise boats arrange a very special Gala Dinner with entertainment in the evening on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Payment for these is often optional on Christmas Eve (24 Dec) but compulsory on New Year's Eve (31 Dec), whether you attend or not. Prices can range from around US$30 to over US$150 per person.

      Final decisions on prices and whether dinners are compulsory are made relatively close to the time. We aim to always select hotels that make their Gala Dinners optional, though this is is not always possible. Gala Dinner prices are therefore not included in our prices, and will be added to your booking if required. More information is available on request.
    • Felucca Sailboat
      This tour features a two night felucca cruise. Feluccas are very basic traditional Nile sailboats and are a fun and relaxing way to travel down the river. You sleep on the deck of the boat (mattresses and some blankets are provided, but we suggest that you bring a sleeping sheet, blanket or light sleeping bag during the winter months of November-February).

      There are no toilet facilities on board, but you will be joined several times each day and at night by our support boat where a toilet and warm showers will be available.

      Mosquito nets are provided for use while you are sleeping but you should bring mosquito repellent for the evenings and early mornings. Your Nubian boat crew will cook all your meals while on board and entertain you in the evenings.

      If you would like some more comfort in place of the felucca, then an option is available to spend these two nights in a hotel instead.
    • Transport
      Our trips feature a mix of different transport options and uses an air-conditioned minibus or coach for all the transfers, sightseeing, and journeys between cities. The jeeps used in Wadi Rum are provided by the local Bedouins we work with, and while suitable for your desert safari, they may fall below the normal safety and quality standards for vehicles we use during the rest of our tours.

      The journeys between Cairo and Aswan, and Luxor and Cairo are done overnight in vehicles with plenty of extra space so you can spread out and relax. These journeys are broken up with a couple of convenience stops while not stopping too frequently to prevent you sleeping. All the vehicles we use are air-conditioned, many are fitted with speed limiters, and all are inspected and checked daily.

      An upgrade to the overnight sleeper train is available for the Cairo-Aswan and Luxor-Cairo journeys. This train has private twin berth cabins with large seats and fold-down beds with sheets, pillow & blanket. The lockable cabins also have a washbasin and storage cupboard, and an airline tray-style evening meal and breakfast is included. If you wish you may also upgrade these journeys to internal flights - please contact us for details and current fares.

      Amman-Cairo flight
      The connecting flight from Amman to Cairo is not included in the price of this tour. It is left out of the set tour price as it is sometimes more cost effective for you to include this flight as part of your main international flight ticket. We are happy to book all your flights, just the Amman-Cairo flight, or none of them at all, whichever works best for you. Direct flights are available with both Egypt Air and Royal Jordanian Airlines. You can fly at anytime during the day - all transfers in Amman and Cairo are included.
    • Transfers
      Our Egypt and Jordan tours include a 24-hour airport meet & assist service in Amman and Cairo airports, your arrival and departure airport-hotel transfers and all other transfers.

      On arrival in Jordan our representative will meet you in the immigration hall of Amman airport, before passport control. They will assist with visa formalities and then help you with your luggage and take you to your hotel.

      On arrival in Egypt, our representative will meet you in the immigration hall of Cairo airport before you get to passport control. They will assist with visa formalities before helping you collect your luggage and taking you to your hotel.

      Your airport transfers are only included on the first and last day of the set tour itinerary, plus on any additional days if you book your hotel room with us. If you make your own arrangements for additional accommodation at either the beginning or the end of the tour then you will need to arrange your own airport transfers on these days.

      On our Shoestring group tours we do offer optional hotel upgrades in Jordan. This may mean that additional pick-up and drop-offs are required each day. We do endeavour to ensure that all hotels used are close to each other and to streamline and time arrangements to limit any extra driving time as much as possible.
    • International Flights
      We want to give you as much flexibility as possible when it comes to booking your holiday with us. So, to take account of people with varying travel plans, except for on some Escorted Tours, we don't include your international flights in the main tour price. We are however very happy to book your flights for you, and hold an ATOL (UK flight sales license - No. 10467) which provides protection to UK customers buying flights from us.

      Please contact us with your preferred dates and departure airport and we'll give you a selection of airlines, times and fares to choose from. Your airport arrival & departure transfers are included on the first and last day of your tour with us, whether you book your flights independently or through us.
    • Group Size/Tour Leaders/Guides
      Most of our small-group tours have a maximum of 12-20 travellers. However, to keep costs down, we do allow our Shoestring tours to have slightly larger groups and this tour departs with a maximum of 45 travellers in Jordan, and 26 for the Egypt part. Average group sizes are around 10-15. We may also share this departure with travellers booking through other operators.

      In Jordan we provide fully trained, local English-speaking guides for all of the sightseeing tours.

      In Egypt we provide fully trained, local English-speaking Egyptologists to act as your tour guides for all of the sightseeing tours in Cairo and the Nile Valley.

      Our local reps in all the towns and cities en-route are also at your service, and will be handling all the practical arrangements for the tour. We also use local Bedouin guides for tours through the desert.

      We only use local guides and reps. We feel this gives you the best experience of the country and the sites you are seeing. Please check our website for more details and profiles of some of our most famous guides.
    • Entrance Fees
      The tour price includes include entrance fees to all the tourist sites in Jordan mentioned in the itinerary (worth about US$110). If you visit any sites not mentioned in the itinerary then you will need to cover the entrance fee costs.

      In Egypt, the tour price does not include entrance fees to the tourist sites mentioned in the itinerary. Please check the Exclusions section above for a guide to the amount you should allow for this tour (a 50% discount for minors or ISIC card holders is often, but not always available). Your guide will be happy to collect payment for all the entrance fees at the start of the tour, and pay them for you as you go along if you wish.
    • Tipping
      Jordan: Tipping is common practice in Jordan, as a sign of appreciation for services provided. You may therefore wish to tip your guide and driver at the end of the tour. You should not feel obliged to tip any particular amount, and should consider your personal budget. We are often asked to provide a guide however, and can suggest that approx. US$3-8 per person per day would be appropriate.

      Egypt: Tipping is also very much a part of Egyptian culture and customs, and many people you meet along the way will expect and make it clear they are waiting for a tip. To make it easier for you to budget and to remove much of the stress and hassle of tipping lots of people as you go along, we collect a 'Tipping Kitty' at the start of your time in Egypt. Your guide will manage this as the tour goes along and ask one or more of the group members to assist and make some of the payments. The kitty provides tips for a wide range of people you'll meet along the tour including hotel porters, train and station staff, drivers, site guards, local reps etc. Please check the Excluded section below the tour itinerary for a budget for this tour. Your Egyptologist guide is not included in this kitty and you may tip them at the end of your tour subject to your satisfaction with and appreciation of the service they have provided. Again you should not feel obliged to tip any particular amount, and should consider your personal budget. As a guideline, approx. US$3-8 per person per day would be appropriate.
    • Health and Vaccinations
      You should ensure you are fully insured for medical emergencies including emergency evacuation and repatriation.

      Recommended vaccinations and other health protection measures vary according to the country you are visiting and where you are travelling from. We recommend you contact your GP/medical practitioner or a travel clinic for current information on vaccinations needed for your destination. You should ensure that you are up to date with vaccines and boosters recommended for your normal life at home, including for example, vaccines required for occupational risk of exposure, lifestyle risks and underlying medical conditions.

      In addition, additional courses or boosters normally recommended for the countries in this region are:

      Egypt: Tetanus, Typhoid, Hepatitis A
      Jordan: Tetanus, Hepatitis A
      Israel: Hepatitis A, Poliomyelitis
      Lebanon: Dipheria, Hepatitis A

      Malaria is not generally present unless it has been contracted abroad; you do not need to take malaria prophylactics.

      Note: We are aware of some places in Egypt using 'black henna' instead of pure brown henna. Black henna contains a chemical dye PPD (paraphenylenediamine) which can result in severe allergic reactions and resultant scarring. To be safe we recommend avoiding any henna tattoos while in Egypt unless you are certain they are using pure brown henna.
    • Passports and Visas - Jordan
      Passports should be valid for at least six months after your departure from the country. Please do not bring an almost full or almost expired passport. Visa arrangements are the responsibility of the traveller, and requirements are subject to change by the local authorities.

      To promote tourism to the country, the Jordanian government is currently waiving Visa fees for certain nationalities (including UK, USA, CA, EU, AU, NZ, SA). When confirming your reservation with us, please could you complete all passport details on your travellers information sheet and return it to us promptly and at least 4 weeks prior to departure so that we can take steps to arrange your free arrival visa if available. The free visa offer requires a stay in Jordan of at least 2 nights if you are arriving by air, or 3 nights if you are arriving by land.

      Multiple entry visas for Jordan are no longer available and you will need to arrange two visas if you are doing a combination tour (eg. with Egypt and/or Israel) that visits Jordan more than once.

      If you wish to arrange your visa in advance or your stay will be shorter than described above, then a visa fee of 40JD (approx. USD 57) will be due.

      Other nationalities may require a visa prior to arrival and to obtain this in advance, please contact your local Jordanian embassy or consulate or a visa agency for details. In addition, if you plan to enter Jordan via the southern Wadi Araba crossing (Eilat-Aqaba) or the Allenby Bridge/King Hussein border with Israel in the north, you will need to obtain your Jordan visa in advance as these are not available on arrival at the border.
    • Passports and Visas - Egypt
      Passports should be valid for at least six months after your departure from the country. Please do not bring an almost full or almost expired passport. Visa arrangements are the responsibility of the traveller, and requirements are subject to change by the local authorities.

      We recommend that you contact your closest Egyptian consulate or embassy for current information for your nationality.

      In general official advice is that all nationalities obtain their Egypt visas in advance, as we cannot guarantee that you can get them in the airport. In practice however, many nationalities (including British and European, Australian, New Zealand, USA, Canadian) can and do generally obtain their visas on arrival in Cairo airport. The cost is currently US$25 p/p and must be paid in hard currency (i.e. GBP, USD or EUR) - you'll be given change in local currency if necessary. There are no forms to fill in and you don't need to bring passport photos. Visas are issued at one of the bank desks in the immigration hall, before you get to passport control. Our representative will have met you by this stage and will assist with the process.

      All African & Indian nationals, and some others, will need to obtain their visas in advance.

      For further information on your visa requirements, please either contact us or your local Egyptian embassy/consulate.
    • Voltage
      Sockets are two round pronged and 220 volts (Type C). Universal adaptors are available in most airport shops if you don't have one already. Standard European adapters will work fine, though sometimes they may feel a little loose in the sockets. All hotel rooms have electrical sockets where you can re-charge cameras, phones etc. Hair dryers are normally available on request from the hotel reception if not in your room already.

      If you have US appliances (110 volts) you will need a voltage converter as well as a plug adapter.
    • Money - Egypt
      The local currency in Egypt is the Egyptian Pound, often denoted 'LE'. The Egyptian Pound can vary significantly in value against the British Pound, but sticks fairly close to the value of the US Dollar. You do not need to arrange to bring any Egyptian Pounds with you to Egypt, as change facilities are available in all the hotels, airports and banks. You should try to obtain and keep hold of small denomination notes or coins on you during the tour as these are useful for toilets, tips and small purchases. ATMs are readily available in major towns and many local shops will accept VISA/Mastercard or Amex, but may charge fees of up to 10% - check before you pay. Travellers cheques are not recommended as they can not be changed in many places now, and can incur high fees.

      While in Egypt you will need sufficient funds to cover meals not included in the itinerary, drinks, snacks, souvenirs and personal expenses such as laundry. These should generally all be paid for in Egyptian Pounds. You may also need to pay for the tour Tipping Kitty and site Entrance Fees while you are in Egypt. Payments for these may be made to your tour guide in hard currency (USD, GBP, EUR) at the start of your tour. Please see your tour Included/Excluded details for more information and guideline amounts for these.

      It is difficult to recommend a level of personal spending money which will suit everyone as this can differ greatly, but as a guideline, we would suggest allowing USD 15-25 per person per day as a minimum. Allow more if you plan on doing lots of shopping, or buying many alcoholic drinks.
    • Money - Jordan
      The local currency in Jordan is the Jordanian Dinar (JD). You do not need to arrange to bring any Jordanian Dinar with you to Jordan as exchange facilities are available in the international airports and in most hotels, banks and bureau de changes in major towns. You should try to obtain and keep hold of small denomination notes or coins on you during the tour as these are useful for toilets, tips and small purchases. ATMs are readily available in major towns and many local shops will accept VISA/Mastercard or Amex, but may charge fees of up to 10% - check before you pay. Travellers cheques are not recommended as they can not be changed in many places now, and can incur high fees.

      While in Jordan you will need sufficient funds to cover meals not included in the itinerary, drinks, snacks, souvenirs and personal expenses such as laundry. These should generally all be paid for in Jordanian Dinar, though tips for guides and drivers may be paid in hard currency (GBP, USD, EUR).

      It is difficult to recommend a level of personal spending money which will suit everyone as this can differ greatly, but as a guideline, we would suggest allowing USD 15-25 per person per day as a minimum. Allow more if you plan on doing lots of shopping, or buying many alcoholic drinks.
    • What to take
      Luggage: Suitcases, rucksacks or fabric holdalls are all fine to bring with you to Egypt and Jordan. You should also bring a small daypack/bag to take out during the day. Your main luggage will normally be left in the hotel during your sightseeing trips - you will not need to carry it far, and there are nearly always hotel porters to assist.

      Luggage limits: There is no luggage limit for this tour. However, most airlines restrict you to between 20kg and 25kg for your hold luggage and between 5kg and 10kg for hand luggage. Please check with your airline before travelling to the airport.

      Clothing: Most of your time in Egypt will be in a hot weather, while the climate in Jordan varies widely from hot days in the summer to cool and sometimes wet days in the winter months. However, at night, and especially in the deserts, the temperatures can drop quite dramatically. So you must pack for cool conditions. Formal dress (eg. suits & ties) is not required on the cruise boats or in 4 or 5-star hotel restaurants. Long sleeves are recommended to protect from mosquitoes if you are on the felucca. Modesty rates highly in Egypt and Jordan, especially for women, so to respect the local culture & people, please ensure all clothes are loose fitting and not revealing. Shorts (not hot-pants) are OK in tourist sites, as are T-shirts, but these should not show too much bare flesh (we suggest that your shoulders should remain covered). In the centre of Cairo and Amman, and when visiting any mosques, legs and arms should be covered.

      Other items: We recommend that you bring a sun hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, a basic first aid kit, toiletries, small towel, money belt, small torch, camera & charger. If you will be travelling on a felucca sailboat in Egypt then we recommend bringing a light sleeping sheet or sleeping bag liner all year round for comfort, and a light sleeping bag in the winter months (November to February). If your tour includes an overnight Bedouin camp in Jordan then bedding (sheets, blankets, pillow) is provided but we recommend bringing a light sleeping sheet or sleeping bag liner for comfort all year round (even with the best efforts, sand does find its way pretty much everywhere). In the winter months, or if you think you would like to sleep under the stars instead of in your tent, then we recommend you bring a sleeping bag with you as it can get very cold at night.

      Footwear: For tours that are going on board a felucca sailboat, or walking on the Siq Trail in Wadi Mujib, we recommend that you bring some footwear that you don't mind getting completely wet. As there is a fair amount of walking involved on many of our tours in Jordan and Egypt, whether that be just sightseeing or some hiking, we recommend you bring comfortable walking shoes with you. You do not need any smart dress shoes, unless you want to visit some fancy restaurants and to dresss up accordingly.

Cancellation Policy

Please see the Available Options section above for any details about cancellation policies.

Pricing Info

Your reservation is always subject to confirmation by email, normally within one to two business days.

Reservation Info

    1.Immediately after submitting your reservation you will receive a Receipt of Reservation via email.
    2. Within one to two business days of submitting your reservation you will receive a status update email from us. If you need to book an airline ticket, we recommend that you do so after you receive a confirmation of your tour reservation from us.
    3. An E-Ticket will be sent to you via email as soon as details of your reservation are confirmed or your supporting information is received by us. We will provide you with all detailed information about your tour on the E-Ticket. Contact information for local tour provider will be included on E-Ticket for your convenience or re-confirmation purpose if re-confirmation is required.
    4. Simply print your E-Ticket and present it with your valid photo ID on the day of your activity to your tour guide. Please remember E-Ticket is your proof of purchase.

Terms and Conditions

    - Your purchase does not guarantee confirmation. Your purchase will initiate a reservation process. We will confirm with you via email within one to two business days.
    - Prices may vary due to availability. We reserve the right to make price adjustment without prior notice.
    - Please refer to our Standard Amendment, Cancellation and Refund Policy before you make reservation.
    - Please refer to Customer Agreement before you make reservation.
    - Local tour provider reserves the right to make modifications to tour arrangements including order of tour activities, hotel and its location if deemed necessary.


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